
2007-04-06 8:18 am
請問各位知唔知Frontline Original 同 Frontline Plus 有咩分別??

回答 (2)

2007-04-06 2:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)FRONTLINE Spray provides long-lasting, effective control of fleas and ticks on your cat and dog:

• Kills up to 100% of existing fleas in less than 24 hours
• Continues killing fleas for an entire month or more
• Remains waterproof for 30 days, even if your dog or cat swims or is bathed
• Gentle enough for use on puppies and kittens 8 weeks of age or older

FRONTLINE Spray - Quick Elimination of Existing Flea and Tick Infestations
Recommended for:

• Severe existing flea and tick infestations • Initial treatment of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)
• Multi-pet households • Often used by your veterinarian, in clinic, for quick treatment

FRONTLINE Spray can be used on puppies and kittens 8 weeks of age or older and provides a quick and effective way of eliminating large flea and tick infestations already on your animal. FRONTLINE Spray is ideal for reducing and controlling fleas and ticks in multi-pet households.

With severe infestations, many vet clinics will apply fast-acting FRONTLINE Spray to your pet right in the clinic and then recommend at-home follow-up with the long-lasting control of FRONTLINE Plus or FRONTLINE Top Spot®.

2)FRONTLINE Top Spot (Original) provides long-lasting, effective control of fleas and ticks on your cat and dog.

• Kills up to 100% of existing fleas in less than 24 hours
• Continues killing fleas for an entire month or more
• Remains waterproof for 30 days, even if your dog or cat swims or is bathed
• Gentle enough for use on puppies and kittens 8 weeks of age or older

FRONTLINE Top Spot is an easy-to-apply liquid that provides your pet with guaranteed control against fleas and ticks.

Recommended for:

• Dog and cat owners who want long-lasting, fast-acting flea and tick control
• Dog and cat owners who prefer convenient topical application
• Routine control of flea allergy dermatitis

FRONTLINE Top Spot is approved for use on puppies and kittens 8 weeks of age or older. FRONTLINE Top Spot is convenient, highly effective and only needs to be applied once a month to give your pet flea and tick control.

FRONTLINE Top Spot is administered according to the weight of your dog in four dosing sizes: up to 22 lbs., 23–44 lbs., 45–88 lbs., and 89–132 lbs.

3)FRONTLINE Plus provides long-lasting, effective control of fleas and ticks on your cat and dog as well as in your home:

• Kills up to 100% of existing fleas in less than 24 hours
• Continues killing fleas for an entire month or more
• Remains waterproof for 30 days, even if your dog or cat swims or is bathed
• Gentle enough for use on puppies and kittens 8 weeks of age or older

FRONTLINE Plus - the Vet's #1 choice for flea and tick control
Recommended for:

• Dog and cat owners who want the most complete flea and tick control available

FRONTLINE Plus is ideal for use on puppies and kittens 8 weeks of age or older. Not only does FRONTINE Plus kill up to 100% of adult fleas on your pet within 24 hours, it also contains a special ingredient that kills flea eggs and larvae to keep ALL stages of fleas from developing and bothering your pet and your family.

FRONTLINE Plus completely breaks the flea life cycle by effectively stopping the development of new fleas. And, FRONTLINE Plus kills all stages of 4 major ticks, including the one that may carry Lyme disease.

FRONTLINE Plus is administered according to the weight of your dog in four dosing sizes: up to 22 lbs., 23–44 lbs., 45–88 lbs., and 89–132 lbs. FRONTLINE Plus is available in three-dose and six-dose packages.
2007-04-06 7:31 pm
普通既Frontline只可以殺虱,殺唔到虱蛋,但係 Frontline Plus就可以連虱蛋都殺埋,藥力勁d,不過價錢亦都貴d

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