Physics MC Question

2007-04-06 7:35 am
A bead is dropping in medium 1 with a uniform speed of 1 m s-1 for 2.5 s. Then it enters into air and falls freely under gravity for 2 m . Finally, it enters medium 2 and immediately moves with uniform speed for 1.5 s. Find the total distance the bead has traveled.


hoping that the answerers can show the steps of calculation ......

回答 (1)

2007-04-06 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
14.1 m

2007-04-05 23:56:43 補充:
s=ut (1/2)(at^2)In medium 1, u=1 (given), t=2.5 (given), a=0(due to uniform speed)Distance travel in medium 1 = (1)(2.5) 0 = 2.5 m

2007-04-05 23:57:17 補充:
Distance travel in air = 2 m (given)v^2 = u^2 2asIn air, u=1(same as in medium 1 due to uniform speed before enter air), a=10(take g=10), s=2(given)v = speed immediately before entering medium 2 = square root of (1"^2 2x10x2) = square root of 41 = 6.4031

2007-04-05 23:57:38 補充:
s=ut (1/2)(at^2)In medium 2, u=6.4031, t=1.5 (given), a=0(due to uniform speed)Distance travel in medium 2 = (6.4031)(1.5) = 9.60465Total distance = 2.5 m 2 m 9.60465 m = 14.1 m (correct to 1 decimal place)

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