我想問礦泉水是怎樣製造出來 ?

2007-04-06 6:49 am
如知道 , 請回覆我 Thank you !

回答 (2)

2007-04-06 9:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2007-04-06 9:17 am
簡單黎講,係 tap 地下水。
因為地下水係黎自地底,會含有溶解左 gei 礦物質,所以叫礦泉水。

Mineral water
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mineral water is water containing minerals or other dissolved substances that alter its taste or give it therapeutic value. Salts, sulfur compounds, and gases are among the substances that can be dissolved in the water. Mineral water can often be effervescent. Mineral water can be prepared or can occur naturally.

Traditionally mineral waters would be used or consumed at their source, often referred to as taking the waters or taking the cure, and such sites were referred to as spas, baths or wells. Spa would be used when the water was consumed and bathed in, bath when the water was not generally consumed, and well when the water was not generally bathed in. Often an active tourist centre would grow up around a mineral water site (even in ancient times; see Bath). Such tourist development resulted in spa towns and hydropathic hotels (often shortened to Hydros).

In modern times, it is far more common for mineral waters to be bottled at source for distributed consumption. Travelling to the mineral water site for direct access to the water is now uncommon, and in many cases not possible (because of exclusive commercial ownership rights). There are over 3000 brands of mineral water available commercially worldwide.[1]

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