
2007-04-06 6:19 am

回答 (3)

2007-04-06 12:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Abstract: The research of the history of Qin dynasty's official system has a comparatively fruitful result. There exists many monographs and theses in this topic; which includes data collection, "three ducal ministers and nine ministers system" and official advancements. This paper gives a survey and a brief summary of the research in these three aspects.

2007-04-06 04:02:18 補充:
i am not using http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr as the other did

2007-04-08 02:23:29 補充:
good to know that you found it useful
2007-04-06 11:31 pm
Abstract: The Qin official system history research has yielded the quite big result, has many monographs and the correlation paper, involves the Qin official system the research, including material collection, three male nine chief ministers systems, official advancement system and so on various aspects.This article draws up to above three aspect research survey makes a simple elaboration.

Microsoft Word有翻譯功能,你不需要到知識發問.
參考: Microsoft Word
2007-04-06 6:23 am
Helps translator the following sentence, thanks the abstract: The Qin official system history's research has made the quite big progress, has many monographs and the related paper, involves the Qin official system's research, including material collection, three male nine minister systems, official advancement system and so on various aspects. This article plans to the above three aspect research survey to make a simple elaboration.
參考: me.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 23:45:48
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