Fill in the preposition(1)

2007-04-06 5:34 am
1. I prefer cycling _______________walking.
2.Are you still looking ____________ a job?
3.Can you make use _____________ the waste paper?
4.It is unkind to laugh ________________ aperson who is in trouble.
5.Let's hope ____________ the best.

回答 (4)

2007-04-06 5:43 am
✔ 最佳答案 ->喜歡...多過....
2.for ->look for=尋找
3.of ->make use of=利用 ->laugh at=嘲笑
5.for ->hope for the best=希望一切都能如願

參考: 自己
2007-04-06 9:33 am
1. to
2. for
3. of
4. at
5. for
參考: me
2007-04-06 5:41 am
1. to
2. for
3. of
4. at
5 for

Thanks !
2007-04-06 5:40 am
1. to
2. for
3. of
4. at
5. for

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