
2007-04-06 4:12 am
有些足球俱樂部的名稱使用CF,有些卻使用FC,就像Real Madrid CF和FC Barcelona。那CF和FC又分別代表什麼?它們在同一個用途,為什麼有不同的用詞呢?希望您們能詳細回答。謝謝!

回答 (5)

2007-04-06 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案

de的意思即是英文的 of

club de futbol即是 球 會of 足球


皇家馬德里足球俱樂部(西班牙語:Real Madrid Club de Fútbol


瓦倫西亞足球俱樂部(Valencia Club de Fútbol

比利亞雷亞爾足球俱樂部(Villarreal Club de Fútbol)


巴塞隆納足球俱樂部(FC Barcelona)


兵工廠足球俱樂部(Arsenal Football Club)

曼徹斯特聯合足球會(Manchester United Football Club

西維爾足球俱樂部(Sevilla Fútbol Club)

利物浦足球會(英語:Liverpool Football Club

2013-12-21 3:37 am



官方網站 aa777.net
2007-04-06 9:01 pm
其實,它們都是同一種說法(CF,FC 者球會也),只是因為語言不同的關係,所以不同國家的球會都會有不同的說法。希望幫到你!



Míchel Salgado press conference
"We must be strong at the Bernabéu in order to intimidate our opponents"

Míchel Salgado is one of the vetarans on the squad and that makes him a very straightforward player. In a press conference, he pointed out Real Madrid aren't playing well at home, but he was nevertheless optimistic with their chances of winning the League.
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* 05/04/2007 The other Madrid-Osasuna (III): Balance positivo para el Real en las últimas cinco visitas del conjunto navarro al Bernabéu
* 04/04/2007 Gago press conference: "We must always be the dominating team on the pitch"
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* 04/04/2007 The other Madrid-Osasuna (II): The Madridistas earn the largest margin of victory (8-0) against Osasuna in 1958/59
* 04/04/2007 Van Nistelrooy to Punto Radio: "I want to go to Cibeles. Why can't it happen?"
* 04/04/2007 Fabio Cannavaro on Onda Madrid "We are going to pour our hearts out to win the League"
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* 04/04/2007 The other Madrid-Osasuna (I): The Whites bulldoze their way through their first two matches against the Navarrenses
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On November 29, 1899, Hans Gamper founded Futbol Club Barcelona, along with eleven other enthusiasts of 'foot-ball', a game that was still largely unknown in this part of the world.

He could never have imagined the magnitude of what that initiative would eventually develop into. Over more than one hundred years of history, FC Barcelona has grown spectacularly in every area and has progressed into something much greater than a mere sports club, turning Barça’s ‘more than a club’ slogan into a reality.

Barça has become, for millions of people all around the world, a symbol of their identity, and not just in a sporting sense, but also in terms of society, politics and culture. Throughout the most difficult of times, Barça was the standard that represented Catalonia and the Catalan people's desire for freedom, a symbolism that has continued to be closely linked to the idiosyncrasy of the Club and its members to this day. Within the context of Spain, Barça is seen as an open and democratic club. And all around the world, Barça is identified with caring causes, and most especially children through its sponsorship agreement with Unicef.

For a whole century, FC Barcelona has passed through moments of glory and pain, periods of brilliance and other less successful ones, epic victories and humbling defeats. But all these different moments have helped define the personality of a Club that, due to its peculiar nature, is considered unique in the world.
2007-04-06 8:04 am
Club de Fútbol
2007-04-06 4:35 am
參考: ME

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