
2007-04-06 2:34 am

名叫:「Exam cheats could face conviction」


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2007-04-06 2:40 am
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Exam cheats could face conviction

People asking others to impersonate them in public examinations may face criminal prosecution rather than merely have their results disqualified, Tuen Mun Court heard yesterday.

Magistrate Clement Lee Hing-nin's ruling - on a secondary student who cheated in exams last year by using an impersonator to sit in her place at a Tin Shui Wai exam centre - was the first such criminal conviction in the city.

Form Six student Yuen Wai-chi, who admitted to a charge of conspiracy to defraud, was ordered to complete 80 hours of community service.

Yuen, now 20, admitted she fraudulently completed a certificate exam in maths in May last year, entering as a private candidate.

She asked a friend to sit the exam in her place, who succeeded by using her identity card and an admission form, without photos.

Yuen admitted to a count of conspiracy to defraud that included alleged accomplice Leung Hoi-ting, an associate degree student.

Leung, who two weeks ago pleaded guilty for her alleged role, yesterday applied to change her plea.

A hearing on the application was adjourned to April 16 on whether the court will allow her to deny the charge of conspiracy to defraud the Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority. Leung, 20, was released on bail.

Mr Lee said the examination system was an important milestone for the academic or employment future of students that must be kept fair, just, clean and creditable.

Unlike previous practice, offenders might no longer be penalised only under the framework of the examination authority as in disqualification of results or dismissal in exams, they might also face criminal conviction in court, he said. Such a fraudulent act could tarnish the local examination system, he said.

In mitigation, Yuen had expressed genuine remorse for her actions. Her letter also said since both her parents were diagnosed with cancer, they would need her care, the court heard.

Mr Lee also said Yuen had been penalised under the exam framework as her results were revoked and she has been dismissed from upcoming A-Level examinations. She has also lost a degree offer.

Mr Lee accepted Yuen's positive community service report to give her a second chance.

He encouraged Yuen to be above board in her future academic pursuits. Yuen has to return to court on August 27 for a progress report.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption received a complaint in July accusing Yuen of offering an advantage to let someone else sit the exam on her behalf.

Copyright (c) 2007. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.
參考: South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd
2007-04-06 2:39 am
All the exam should eat banana.

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