hydroelectrical power

2007-04-06 12:17 am
*Content should include:

1)How the energy is used to generate electricity

2)What countries are using that energy to generate electricity

3)The advantages and disadvantages of using that energy.

4)Comments on whether it is suitable to use that energy for generating electricity in Hong Kong.*

Marking Scheme:

~Diagrams and photographs

~A reference list

~Word limit 300-400words

please don't answer by question, may be write a passage

回答 (2)

2007-04-13 6:46 am
I for sure that this web will be suitable for u.
From your classmate
2007-04-10 2:12 am
advantage:No air pollution problem and no need to burn fuel.
disadvantage: seriously harm the environment by building power station and dam

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