
2007-04-05 11:24 pm
問題都是有關latent heat 同 evaporation

(1) Explain how we can determine the direction of a breeze by wetting our finger and holding it up in the air.

(2) Farmers in cold countries spray fruit trees with water before a frost to protect their fruits from freezing. Explain how this method works.

回答 (1)

2007-04-06 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 手上水珠會跟風向流動, 同時, 係風的源頭的那一邊的水是會俾另一邊快d乾的.

(2) 噴完水會立即結冰, 就好似幫d生果著左件衫, 防止d風雪再進一步降低生果的溫度. 有左層冰("件衫")就只會保持這個溫度.
參考: me

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