
2007-04-05 11:19 pm




80 - 100個字,如果仲係唔夠,你地可以幫我加一點字落去

回答 (8)

2007-04-06 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
The ruthless wind chilled her body. Alone in the gloomy street, she was so tired and her body felt like ice. Finally, she died of coldness and hunger. After walking through a softly lit tunnel, she found herself in heaven, where she met her grandmother and found out that her grandmother had been enjoying an ordinary but stable life. In heaven, she no longer had to sell matches in bitterly freezing days. She and her grandmother dwelled in heaven in everlasting family love and joy. (83 words)

2007-04-09 02:53:09 補充:
中譯本:無情的風凍僵了她的身體. 孤獨的她站在陰暗的街道, 她感到很累, 她的身體感到像冰一般. 最後,她都因為太冷和太餓而死掉了. 在走過了一條柔和的光照著的隧道後, 她到達了天堂, 在天堂裡看見了她的袓母. 她的袓母在天堂裡就一直都是過一些平凡但又安穩的日子. 她在天堂裡就永遠都不用在天寒地冷的日子賣火柴. 相反她卻和她的袓母在享受天倫之樂。
參考: me
2007-04-11 10:33 pm
Finally, she all hungry has died because of too Leng Hot'ai, but, she and she 袓 female crosses very much well in the heaven. She on forever all does not use in the heaven in the day coldly cold day sells the matches, on the contrary she actually is enjoying family happiness. Finally, she all hungry has died because of too Leng Hot'ai, but, she saw her in the heaven 袓 the mother, therefore, she 袓 the mother on continuously all is some has been ordinary but the calm and steady day in the heaven. She on forever all does not use in the heaven in the day coldly cold day sells the matches, on the contrary she actually and she 袓 the mother is enjoying family happiness.
2007-04-09 9:36 pm



80 - 100個字,如果仲係唔夠,你地可以幫我加一點字落去

End, she all because of too cold with too hungry and die drop, but, she is leading mother very well with her Ju heaven.She is in the heaven all do not use forever in the coldly cold day to sell match, contrary she but Be enjoying the happiness of family reunion.
Finally, she is all too cold with too hungry and die drop, but, she sawed her Ju female in the heaven, so, her Ju the mother is in the heaven always all is lead some ordinary but again safe day.She is in the heaven all do not use forever in the coldly cold day to sell match, contrary she but with her Ju the mother be enjoying the happiness of family reunion.

80 - 100 words, if the Zhong is a Wu enough, your ground can add some word to fall for me
2007-04-06 11:23 pm
Finally, she is all too cold with too hungry and die drop, but, she sawed her Ju female in the heaven, so, her Ju the mother is in the heaven always all is lead some ordinary but again safe day.She is in the heaven all do not use forever in the coldly cold day to sell match, contrary she but with her Ju the mother be enjoying the happiness of family reunion.
2007-04-06 4:46 pm
Finally, she dies because it is too cold and too hungry, but, her mother in the paradise and she has a good time. She does not use the cold day in it coldly and sell matches forever in the paradise, opposite but she is enjoying the family happiness.
2007-04-06 12:15 am
Finally, because she is too cold and too hungry and die, but she saw her in heaven Tsu carrier, therefore, Zu her mother is in heaven has some unusual but stable life. Not in heaven, she would never have turned to cold in the days sells matches, on the contrary, she and her mother in the family Tsu.
2007-04-05 11:36 pm
Finally she died of extreme coldness and hunger.

But she was very well with her grandmother in the Heaven.

Forever in Heaven, she needed not to sell matches in those freezing days.

On contrary, she was enjoying the family happiness.

2007-04-05 21:30:08 補充:
請刪掉「但是」那一句,在「死掉了」後,加上:She went to the Heaven and found that her grandmother had been living a stable and happy life there. She stayed with her . There was no tears, sorrow, hunger or poverty anymore. They were getting along very well.

2007-04-05 21:31:17 補充:
在「天倫之樂」後,加上:The joyful feeling in the Heaven compensates all the grievance of her early life.
2007-04-05 11:24 pm
At last, owing to cold and starve, she died. But she had a good time with her grandma in the Heaven. In Heaven, she didn't need to sell those matched in such cold weather. She was even enjoying her time with her grandma. How great was that!
參考: Myself

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