在native C++把資料儲存成Excel格式

2007-04-05 10:57 pm
我想在C++內把一些string的資料儲存成excel table的格式... 可以點做?
由於電不一定有安裝excel, 所以不可以用OLE Automation的方法...
我不想自己研究excel的檔案格式然後逐個bit砌出黎... 有沒有任何現成的library可用?

目前用緊的IDE是 Visual Studio .NET 2003
目前我所寫的C++是unmanaged的, 不過如果有CLR的方法我也想看看~

我明白Excel可以接受不同的格式.... 之前就是用過text file + tab 分隔 的方式做過, 但client的電腦default不是用excel來開txt 或csv file... 他們覺得這不是excel格式, 要求再做過... 我原本想把file extentsion 改成xls來蒙混過去, double click 就會自動用excel開啟. 可是一但user想儲存這個file時就會彈出一個warning, 表示這不是excel正確格式, 會問user是否想保持格式... 無可奈何之下只有找辦法做一個真正的xls格式...

回答 (1)

2007-04-05 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In fact, you need not to border about this.

Excel can read more than one kind of files, one of those is .csv (Comma-separated values). This is a file format that very easy to edit and Excel can accept.

In short, .csv file is just a text file having the format of :
v1, v2, v3\n
v4, v5, v6\n
for each row, the value is seperated by comma. In Excel, it will be converted to the table you have often seen

2007-04-06 10:15:02 補充:
I have search the web and somebody say that you can use xml to do this http://p2p.wrox.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1872

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