present participle phrases and past participle phrase

2007-04-05 9:05 pm

有人話如果一句 句子入面有原因結果
就先將個原因放係頭,再改佢係active / passtive

E.g.Lisa felt very hungry so she had a big lunch.
改成 Feeling very hungry,Lisa had a big lunch.

又有人話如果 個句 句子入面有2個/以上的動詞就睇下邊個係the first action
就改個first action

E.gThe suspect entered the hotel.He was carrying a newspaper and a bag
改成 The suspect entered the hotelcarrying a newspaper and a bag

Help 我真係唔明呀.要Test><

回答 (2)

2007-04-12 7:27 am
參考: me

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