Please help me to save the friendship back...?

2007-04-04 3:09 pm
I had a very good soul mate. We know each another for about 6 yrs +. We got into a different course after we graduate; we don’t manage to hang out together very often as our daily timetable is not the same. We started to message and call, email or even write letters to keep in touch on our daily life. It’s getting lesser and lesser now. I am worried, I do. Sometime even if we sms, is getting a bit weird, we don’t talk openly like we used to be. She used to message me every time when she missed me, no longer now… and now I am the one who always send her good night sms to let know her that I still remember her. I saw her photos with her new friends in friendster recently. I’m jealous. Friends out there! Can you help me? Please… I wish to save the friendship back, I hope she know I am important to her.

回答 (5)

2007-04-04 3:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear friend me too had friends alot around me, when i was studing. Right now i have few ones. Me got a job some times ago. So they are continuing their studies. Even i dint see them for 2 months. You know we need to accept somethings in our life. Just think when we were small our mother, father did every thing for us. But now can we expect those things from our parents??
They are old and we manage to do the things they did us.
But i dint tell you to totally forget your friends, just accept people as they are.
Keep in touch with your friend, Even i hope your friend also might have the same feeling like you.
Talk with her clearly, If you can try to meet her once in a week.
Call her, SMs her, mail her.
Your friendship will never break up. Dont be Jelous.
I'll pray for your friendship.
Take care, God bless you...
2007-04-04 3:29 pm
If she is such a good friend, she would put more effort into the friendship. I say, don't send her any sms for a few days and leave it up to her to contact you. Then, you will know whether she is truly your friend or not.
2007-04-04 3:27 pm
talk to her and find out what is wrong before it is too late
2007-04-04 3:20 pm
well u have to talk to have been close for way to long to just let it all go out the window.. tell her you need to talk and try to see her more and talk more and share more things with her!!
2007-04-04 3:15 pm
Before you have further speculations, if possible, meet her up or talk on the phone and let her know how you feel and verify with her whether it's correct. Do not assume before you are taking any actions. Check the facts. If you are right, tell how you really feel and find ways to tackle any problems together.

Be prepared that people do change and if there's something that she said may hurt you and you don't think you can befriend with her anymore, let her go and move on.

A good quote I got today, hopefully it can help you:

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

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