
2007-04-05 6:06 am
use 英文,please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-04-05 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
The mammals are the class of vertebrate animals characterized by the production of milk in females for the nourishment of young, from mammary glands present on most species and specialized skin glands in monotremes that seep or ooze milk; the presence of hair or fur; specialized teeth; three small bones within the ear; the presence of a neocortex region in the brain; and endothermic or "warm-blooded" bodies, and, in most cases, the existence of a placenta in the ontogeny. The brain regulates endothermic and circulatory systems, including a four-chambered heart.

2007-04-04 22:29:11 補充:
In a more simply way...Living mammal species can be identified by the presence of mammary glands in females which produce milk
參考: WIKI
2007-04-05 7:44 am

[編輯] 進化史
最早的哺乳動物化石是在中國發現的吳氏巨顱獸(Hadrocodium wui),它生活在2億年前的侏羅紀。從化石上看,哺乳動物(尤其是早期的哺乳動物)與爬行動物非常重要的區別在於其牙齒。爬行動物的每顆牙齒都是同樣的,彼此沒有區別,而哺乳動物的牙齒按它們在頜上的不同位置分化成不同的形態。此外爬行動物的牙齒不斷更新,哺乳動物的牙齒除乳牙外不再更新。在動物界中只有哺乳動物耳中有三塊骨頭。它們是由爬行動物的兩塊頜骨進化而來的。


2007-04-04 23:44:59 補充:
哺乳動物體內有幾種機制,可以調節體內環境使之維持在適當水平o 負責體內平衡的器官包括腎臟,皮膚,肝臟及胰臟內的胰島腺o ... 毛髮是哺乳動物的另一特徵o 毛髮是從毛囊基部生長出來的o 毛囊外面有微血管,可供應氧及養分給毛髮生長o毛囊周圍有神經連接,可感受外界刺激
參考: zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%93%BA%E4%B9%B3%E5%8A%A8%...

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