
2007-04-05 5:16 am
如果我想係munich市中心去airport既話, 我咪要搭s1 / s8, 我想問呢個駛唔駛好似uk個邊咁訂定飛先ga?

如果要的話, 咁點訂呀?

同埋我想知個程巴士要幾錢呀? 因為我見有幾個唔同既價錢, 我唔知邊個先係。

回答 (1)

2007-04-05 7:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, you don't need to buy the ticket in advance ga. you can just get it when you arrive there.

Munich airport is 40km from Munich city centre.

By bus:
Go to Area D at the airport. Buses leave every 20 minutes. Journey time is 45 mins, and costs EUR 7.50 (single).

By rail:
Take the S Bahn from Area Z at the airport to the Hauptbahnhof; journey time 40 mins; cost EUR 7.40 (single)/EUR 13.00 (return). Buy tickets in the station and stamp them in the machines at the top of the escalator.


and for more information, http://www.munichcitytourist.info/.

Hope it helps la....

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