London Heathrow Airport 中, 澳航及英航是否在同一terminal?

2007-04-05 4:23 am
London Heathrow Airport 中, 澳航(Qantas)及英航(British Airways)是否在同一terminal? 因為要轉機, 但又怕唔同terminal會好麻煩。

回答 (2)

2007-04-05 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Oh no need to worry! although BA is in terminal 1 and Qantas is in Terminal 4, it's relatively easy to connect your flights between these terminals.

Can have a look of this website: for more info.

Connecting from Terminal 1 International to Terminal 4::
Your connection will take approximately 70 minutes, from landing to departure gate. Make your way by foot to the Flight Connections Centre, pass through customs and security and then if you need to, visit your airline's ticket/information desk before taking a coach to Terminal 4.
2007-04-05 4:28 am

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