請問Profit and Loss and Appropriation Accounts 分幾多種?

2007-04-05 3:41 am
請問Profit and Loss and Appropriation Accounts 分幾多種?

because i find that the Profit and Loss and Appropriation Accounts of partnership and limited company care different.

what are their purposes??

thanks a lot!!

回答 (1)

2007-04-05 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
不過,appropriation account有幾個items

Net profit for the yearRetained profits brought forward transfers to reserves Amounts written off as goodwill Preliminary expenses Taxation payable on profits Dividends Retained profits carried forward另外,你話,公司?


what are their purposes??
the appropriation account shows how the net profits are to be appropriation , i.e. how the profits are to be used.

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