(中文答)RuneScape Quest

2007-04-05 2:35 am
(中文答)RuneScape Quest(Witch's Potion)how to do? (5分)

(中文答)RuneScape Quest(Prince Ali Rescue)how to do?(5分)

(中文答)RuneScape Quest(Dragon Slayer)how to do?(5分)

好緊要,唔該幫幫忙! ( 一共15分)

回答 (3)

2007-04-10 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
去Rimmington和Hetty talk (請看圖一), 佢會把你的黑暗一面同魔法潛能帶出來,你要答佢yes 果類,跟住你就要搵d材料先整到所需的potion。


國一‧Witch’potion (starting point, onion and eyes of newt)

~ burnt meat (燒焦了的肉):好易有o者,不過當你cooking lvl 去到某一程度要burnt meat又好高難度喎……
~ eye of newt (蠑螈眼):去Port Sarim 的Magic shop 有得賣,唔太貴,好似30gp 內,太耐唔多記得 =P
~ onion (洋蔥):在Rimmington 向北面行會見到有的,自己pick啦,而在Lumbridge 個 Fred-the-farmer 的屋旁也有的。
~ rat’s tail (老鼠尾):在Rimmington 同圍的屋有d老鼠,你kill 左應該會有tail的。
跟住搵番Hetty同佢talk,佢會收哂你d 材料並叫你“drink from cauldron”,你飲左就完喇個quest,你響呢個quest 會有magic xp 做reward。

首先到Al Kharid的 palace找Hassan 開quest,佢會叫你去搵Osman,而Osman 只不過在palace 出面靠左手面的地方,請參考圖二:


圖二‧Prince Ali Rescue 各重要點
他要你救王子 (prince),並整條key 出來,但他會話你知叫你去搵佢個女Leela (請看圖二),Leela 會話你知詳情的 。
給王子扮Lady Keli所需的裝備:
~ yellow wig (黃色假髮):
1. wig: 要去有sheep (羊)的地方,use shear with sheep (NOT ram),拿到wool,跟住拎去Lumbridge castle 二樓的spinning wheel,use wool with spinning wheel,就會得到balls of wool(你最少需要7個balls of wool,因為除了wig你重要整rope)
2. yellow dye [你要有兩個 onion (得onion的方法請看witch’s potion) + 5 gp, 跟住去Draynor Village 的 Aggie]

~ skin paste
1. ash: 只要生個火再等到它burnt out就有喇~~
2. flour:可以到Port Sarim 的food shop 買a pot of flour;亦可以自己整 - 預備一個pot,去wheat field pick 一 d grain,跟住上windmill的三樓,use grain with hopper,再到位於南面的地方“operate hopper”,再落番去一樓pick up d flour,就會見到你的pot 裝了flour了,謹記每一個pot 只可載一份flour。
3. water:用jug / bucket等去water source 拿水,會得到a jug / bucket of water
4. redberries:可到Port Sarim 的food shop 買;或到Varrock 東南面的mining site 附近免費拎
跟住拎哂呢堆o野去搵Draynor Village 的Aggie,佢會幫你整成shin paste。

~ pink skirt: 去Varrock 的clothes shop 買
~ soft clay:去Barbarian Village / crafting guild等其中一mining site mine clay,加水成sofy clay
~ bronze bar: 識整啦下話...

跟住去Jail找Lady Keli,讚下佢話佢好famous,問下佢latest plan,佢當然地被讚到飄飄然話你知佢捉左prince,你就問佢有無方法會俾人救到呀,佢會話你知有條key 先得,不過條key 掛響佢頸度,咁你就問佢可唔可以摸下,咁你inventory 內的sofy clay 就有條key 的痕跡,你帶住個key mould 同bronze bar 去搵Osman 佢就會整條key,不過好似佢會叫你搵番Leela 拎條key。
有齊上述東東後就只欠東風喇~~~ 去買d beer(兩三jug夠的吧!),去個Jail 度,同Jail 的guard Joe talk,問佢你有beers,要唔要番杯咁呀,整鬼醉o左佢就可以入去use rope with Lady Keli,縛住o左佢就可以開門救人啦~~~ 個Prince 會拎哂你d 女人裝扮o野自己走,當你番去搵Hassan 你就完成個quest 啦~~^^

先到 Champion guild 開 quest (varrock 南門再向西南行)
注意你要有32 QP (quest point)


圖三‧Champian guild位置
跟住個Guild Master 就會叫你搵o向Edgeville的Oziach,佢會俾條maze key 俾你,佢會話你知要點集齊map parts:
1. 找在 Ice Mountain 上的人,他會俾個4句ge“謎語”你,
(1) Wizard’s Mind Bomb (可到fally east bank 隔籬的pub / inn 買,blue 的)
(2) silk (在 Alk 沙漠買)
(3) lobster pot (Port Sarim 的 fishing shop)
(4) unfired bowl (可自己mine clay加水整... )

帶齊呢4樣o野落dwarf mine後向east 行,(o向 金色o個個axe 下面 向east,唔係一落到去即刻轉east!!!)到盡頭入個room 開chest,咁你就有一份map part 啦!


圖四‧扲map part位置 (dwarf mine )
2. 到Port Sarim 的prison 中用mage 或 range 整死隻 goblin ,跟住用 mage 的telegrab 拿 map part ,mage 冇咁高唯有俾10 k 佢 (看下圖的jail, goblin)


圖五‧拎map part 位置 (jail-goblin)、買船地方、Ned所在地
3. 去位於fally crafting guild 再行southwest 少少便到的Melzar maze (上圖左手面呀~~~記住帶key)跟住……
- 入到去kill giant rats 直至你有條red key,入西北門再上ladder
- 到有好多ghosts 的一層,打到有orange key,用o黎開左手面第二度門,climb up ladder
- 打skeleton直至有yellow key,入最西南那度門,跟著走廊去到最東落ladder
- 今次到zombies,打到有blue key,直入門口
- 終於見到Melzar (Mad the Melzar),kill o左佢就有條Magenta / Purple key
- 入o左度門見到lesser demon啦,打瓜佢就有green key
- 再入度門就有個chest,裏面係map part
注意小心唔好出錯個door係俾你中途離開o既,你無乜hp就走先啦,不過又要由頭打過,所以帶夠lobsters / swordies先好入去呀!
以下呢幅係maze 的地圖,指示你入邊度門同上紅色ladder的:


圖六‧Melzar' s Maze 拎key圖
3 份map parts 集齊,use one map part with other map part →attach together
到Port Sarim 的南面(到Karajma Island的水手再行落d,睇圖五)買隻ship,(forget , less than 5k) 你要repair 隻ship by:
planks x 3 (到wildy 的graveyard of shadow 拿,小心skeleton)
steel nails x 90 (make them urself)
帶埋 hammer 同以上兩樣o野去隻ship度,
上o左ship落下一層,個hole o向南面。
跟住到draynor village 找Ned (整dye的witch對面那間,Ned還可幫你整wig及ropes,睇圖五),俾張map佢,他會做你captain
去Lumbridge castle二樓搵Duke ,佢會俾anti-dragon shield 你。
帶齊「架餐」、food、teleport runes (如需要) 及 str potion(如需要) 便可到隻ship 那兒會合Ned 出發到Carndor Island 找 dragon la
參考: 小妹經驗 + tip.it & runehq 的maps 及quest help
2007-04-07 7:18 am
(Witch's Potion):

Talk to the Witch Hetty. You will need four items: an Onion, Burnt meat, an Eye of Newt and a Rat tail.
Onion: found Northwest of Rimmington. When you find the field, pick one.
Burnt Meat: You will need burnt rat meat, burnt beef (cow meat), or burnt bear meat.
Rat Tail: Just kill one of the rats in this village and it will drop a Rat tail. You must start the quest before killing the rat.
Eye of Newt: Go to the Port Sarim Magic Shop to buy one
After getting the ingredients, return to Hetty's house and talk to her. She will tell you the cauldron is done and ask you to drink it. Click on the cauldron to drink it and the quest is finished.

(Prince Ali Rescue):
Talk to Hassan in the palace, he'll tell you to speak with Osman. Tell Osman that Hassan sent you and you need instructions. He'll tell you Lady Keli has captured Prince Ali, and that you'll need to rescue him.
Head over to Draynor Village and find Leela. Tell her you are there to help her free the Prince Ali. She'll check what items you have and tell you what else you still need.
Aggie the witch can make you the Skin paste and Yellow dye.
Talk to Ned. If you bring him 4 balls of wool he can make a rope, and with 3 balls of wool he can make you a wig. Use the yellow dye on the wig, and the disguise is complete.
Talk to Lady Keli, tell her you've heard of her, she's famous all over Runescape. Ask her what her latest plan is, and then tell her she must have been very skillful. Then ask her if she's sure they won't let the prisoner out. Make sure you have the soft clay with you and ask her if you can see the key... then ask her if you can touch it for a moment, then you'll make an imprint of the key in the clay.
Go back to Osman in Al Kharid with the key imprint and a bronze bar, he'll tell you to pick up the key from Leela.
Go into the house near Lady Keli and talk to the guard Joe, tell him you have a beer, fancy one? You'll then ask him if he wants another and automatically hand them to him, he will drink them and get drunk.
Tie up Lady Keli, use your key on the door and talk to Prince Ali. He will take the disguise. Now go back to Hassan and talk to him, congratulations! You're now a friend of Al Kharid and can pass for free through the gates between Lumbridge and Al Kharid.

P.S. I got the imformations from runehq.com , you can go to look for quest.

2007-04-06 23:24:33 補充:
(Dragon Slayer):Talk to the Champion's Guild Master. Talk to Oziach. Ask him about Rune plate. He should give you a key to Melzar's Maze.

2007-04-06 23:25:08 補充:
Go to the Oracle, with your Silk, Wizard's mind bomb, Unfired bowl, and Lobster pot. She'll tell you about a door in the mines. Go there and get a piece.

2007-04-06 23:25:37 補充:
Go to Melzar's Maze. Use your Maze key on the door. Go though that maze and get the map.

2007-04-06 23:26:02 補充:
For the next piece, if you plan to kill Wormbrain, you'll need to telegrab the Map piece or you can give him 10k for it.

2007-04-06 23:26:23 補充:
Go to Lumbridge and talk to the Duke Horacio Lumbridge Castle. He'll give you the Anti-dragon shield.

2007-04-06 23:26:45 補充:
When you got everything you can use the maps to go by ships or just go to Karamja dungeon go deeper you will see that dragon.

2007-04-06 23:27:08 補充:
When you strt fighting it REMEMBER to wear your dragon shield!When you beat her, you are done quest!P.S. I got the imformations from runehq.com , you can go to look for quest.
參考: www.runehq.com, runescape.com, me
2007-04-05 6:31 am
Witch's Potion

Length: Short
Requirements: N/A

所需物品: 3 Coins 買 Eye of newt.

Quest Points Reward: 1

Reward: 325 Magic experience.

Start Point: Rimmington

To Start: Speak to Hetty


同 Witch Hetty 傾計, 佢要幫佢搵一些材料放入佢既大汽鍋, 所要既材料如下: Onion(洋蔥), Burnt meat(燒焦既肉), an Eye of Newt and a Rat tail(老鼠尾).

洋蔥: 可以在Rimmington 西北面找到, 在田採摘一個

燒焦既肉: 你要燒焦既肉, 可以用老鼠肉, 牛肉或者係熊肉; 其實可以在Hetty's 所在既地方都可以找到老鼠的, 若果你不能第一次將肉類燒焦, 可以將佢煮多一次, 咁你手上既肉就會變成燒焦既肉

Eye of Newt: 可以在 Port Sarim 既 Magic Shop賣魔法石既店舖買到

集齊材料比Hetty's, 之後佢會要你飲煲湯, 就可完成任務
Prince Ali Rescue

Length: Long
Requirements: None

所需物品: Rope, 100gp coins (about more or less, 用黎比錢過閘口 10gp each time), 3 個 balls of wool 做假髮, 黃色染料 (用 2 onions 比 5gp Aggie, Aggie 會幫你做染料), Redberries (可以在 Varrock mining area 找到或在 Port Sarim 既 Food store 有得賣), 2 buckets of water, flour, ashes, pink skirt (在 Varrock clothes shop 買到), 3 beers, soft clay, 1 bronzer bar

Quest Points Reward: 3

Reward: 700gp, 完成個 quest 可以免費進出入Al Kharid gate.

Start Point: Al Kharid palace

To Start: Speak to Hassan


在Al Kharid 同Hassan 開始個 quest, 佢會叫你同Osman 傾計. 你同Osman 講係 Hassan 叫你搵佢問資料, Osman 就會話你知關於一個女仔, 佢叫做 “Keli”, 佢俘虜左 Ali 王子, 佢需要你幫手營救王子, 佢要你幫佢做兩件事..
1) 假扮 Keli 2) 幫佢復印 Key 既模
首先去 Draynor village 搵 Leela, 同佢講你想幫手救王子, 佢會睇下你需要什麼用品, 去搵 Aggie 佢會幫你做 yellow dye (黃色染料), 同幫你轉膚色(需要 flour, bucket of water, redberries, ash), 之後去搵 Ned 帶7個 Balls of wool 比佢, 佢會幫你做一條 rope 同一個假髮, 當佢做完個假髮, 你就用 yellow dye 將假髮染黃色

之後同 Keli 傾計, 你要同佢講佢係 runescape 係好出名的, 你要話佢靚, 咁你要帶定 soft clay, 你要令到佢借隻 key 比你, 咁你就將條 key 印一個模出黎, 跟住帶一舊 bronzer bar回 Al Kharid 搵 Osman 佢會幫你做 key, 叫佢回去搵 Leela, Leela 就會比條 key 你.

之後你就入去間屋仔到, 近 Keli 身邊就同個保安 “Joe” 傾計, 你話你有 beer 問佢要唔要飲, 你要令到佢飲醉左, 之後你要紮起 Keli, 用 key 開門救王子, 同王子講你黎救佢, 之後佢就會走, 跟住你就返回 Al Kharid 搵 獲救, 完成~!!
Dragon slayer quest 太長比我網址你上去睇啦

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