那裏可以捉到迷你龍(在pokemon crater 裏)?

2007-04-05 1:52 am
誰可以說給我聽那裏可以捉到迷你龍(在pokemon crater 裏)?

回答 (7)

2007-04-12 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Abra- Grass maps, mansion maps
Absol- Grass maps, mansion maps, cave maps, ice maps
Aerodactyl- Cave maps, ice maps
Aggron- Evolve from Lairon
Aipom- Grass maps
Alakazam- Evolve from Kadabra
Altaria- Evolve from Swablu
Ampharos- Evolve from Flaffy
Anorith- Cave map, ice maps
Arbok- Evolves from Ekans
Arcanine- Evolve from Growlithe
Ariados- Evolve from Spinarak
Armaldo- Evolve from Anorith
Aron- Cave map, ice maps, electric maps
Articuno- Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Ice cave, grass maps
Azumarill- Evolve from Marril
Azurill- Water in grass maps

Bagon- Grass map
Baltoy- Cave maps, ice maps
Banette- Evolve from Shuppet
Barboach- Water on cave maps
Bayleef- Evolve from Chickorita
Beautifly- Evolve from Silcoon
Beedrill- Evolve from Kakuna
Beldum- Cave maps, ice maps, mansion maps, electric maps
Bellossom- Evolve from Gloom
Bellsprout- Grass maps
Blastoise- Evolve from Wartortle
Blaziken- Evolve from Combusken
Blissey- Evolve from Chansey
Bonsly- Cave maps, grass maps
Breloom- Evolve from Shroomish
Bulbasaur- Grass maps
Butterfree- Evolve from Metapod

Cacnea- Grass maps
Cacturne- Evolve from Cacnea
Camerupt- Evolve from Numel
Carvanha- Water in grass maps, Water in cave map
Cascoon- Evolve from Wurmple
Castform- Grass maps
Caterpie- Grass maps
Celebi- Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass maps, cave maps
Chansey- Grass maps
Charizard- Evolve from Charmeleon
Charmander- Grass maps, lava map
Charmeleon- Evolve from Charmander
Chikorita- Grass maps
Chimecho- Grass maps
Chinchou- Water on grass maps
Clamperl- Water on cave maps, ice maps
Claydol- Evolves from Baltoy
Clefable- Evolve from Clefairy
Clefairy- Evolve from Cleffa
Cleffa- Grass maps
Cloyster- Evolve from Shellder
Combusken- Evolve from Torchic
Corphish- Water in cave maps
Corsola- Water in grass maps
Cradily- Evolve from Lileep
Crawdaunt- Evolve from Corphish
Crobat- Evolve from Golbat
Croconaw- Evolve from Tododile
Cubone- Cave maps, electric maps
Cyndaquil- Grass maps, lava map

Delcatty- Evolve from Skitty
Delibird- Ice maps
Deoxys- Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Cave map, grass map, mansion map, ice map
Dewgong- Evolve from Seel
Diglett- Cave maps, electric maps
Ditto- Grass maps, cave maps, ice maps
Dodrio- Evolve from Doduo
Doduo- Grass maps
Donphan- Evolve from Phanphy
Dragonair- Evolve from Dratini
Dragonite- Evolve from Dragonair
Dratini- Water inside cave map.
Dratinice- Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, cave map, ice map
Dratinilic- Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, electric maps
Dratinire- Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, lava map
Drowzee- Mansion map, grass maps
Dugtrio- Evolve from Digglett
Dunsparce- Grass maps
Dusclops- Evolve from Duskull
Duskull- Mansion map, grass map, ice map, cave maps
Dustox- Evolve from Cascoons

Eevee- Grass maps, electric maps
Ekans- Grass maps
Electabuzz- Evolve from Elekid
Electrike- Grass maps, electric maps
Electrode- Evolve from Voltorb
Elekid- Cave maps, electric maps
Entei- Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, lava map
Espeon- Evolve from Eevee
Exeggcute- Grass maps
Exeggutor- Evolv from Exeggcute
Exploud- Evolve from Loudred

2007-04-12 11:32:14 補充:
2007-04-12 12:01 am


我的ID係chevychan,send message 給我吧!!!
2007-04-09 7:59 pm
In 山洞的水區
username:hendry luk
參考: pokemon crater,me
2007-04-09 2:32 am
I got my Dratini by trading with my friend because she said she have two of them, she told me that she caught the Dratini in the cave. four of the cave maps are possibleto find Dratini.

Good Luck!
2007-04-06 11:11 pm
2007-04-05 2:42 pm
參考: 自己捉/見過N條迷你龍
2007-04-05 1:55 am


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