XP upgrade to Vista

2007-04-05 1:47 am
I want to upgrade my PC from Win XP to Vista. But will all programs/applicatiions which can run in XP can also run in Vista? Will there be any migration problems?

回答 (3)

2007-04-05 4:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
基本上所有program都可以帶到vista用, 但是有些防毒軟件或防火牆程式(zonealarm), 如nav2006等就不能在vista使用, 你要把它移除才可以, 再安裝for vista使用的防毒軟件, 如nav2007. 另外vista好似不兼容c compiler程式如vc, dev++, 及vb等程式, 升級時盡可能保xp, 不要直接把xp升至vista, 記住要用新安裝來安裝.
2007-04-05 5:09 am
基本上大多數既程式都唔能夠支援!! 已經有好多朋友投訴唔支援…包括用埋既usb drive
或許 printer (epson) 連game都唔可以係度玩到
所以…唔建議你UP VISTA
(OFFICE 2007既文件 2003開唔番)
2007-04-05 2:36 am
Basic program can be used in Vista, such as Office XP. But you need to install Norton Antivirus for Vista. Another applications such as Winzip, Adobe Reader was no problem.

for any specific applications, i think you better check with product web site before upgrade. I found that some application cannot be used and need to re-install as well.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:51:07
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