write suggest ways to improve the problems about pollution

2007-04-05 12:06 am
write suggest ways to improve the problems about pollution in Tai Po.(at least four suggestions)

回答 (1)

2007-04-05 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Treatment of chemical wastes

Factories have to send the harmful chemicals to the plant for treatment. The treatment plant makes sure that the wastes are harmless before they are discharged.

2. Water pollution control

THe government has passed laws to control water pollution. For example, restaurants have to use oil traps to reduce the amount of oil and grease that are discharged into the drainage system.

3. Sewage treatment
The Drainage Services Department (DSD) runs sewage treatment plats. In these plants, sewage is properly treated to reduce their harmful effects on the environment.

4. Sewage disposal
The DSD is building a large sewage disposal system. It consists of an underground tunnel network. The system discharges sewage through a long tunnel into the South China Sea.

5.Smoke banning for the city
6.Build more trees

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 19:34:09
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