急!! account clerk新手入數問題!! (5pt)

2007-04-04 11:08 pm

因為第一次做Account Clerk,所以唔知MPF點入數...所以可以詳細的教一下嗎? 我看到應該係人工5%,但公司一直都只是用一個Lump sum (e.g. $1000)(which<計出來的數),係未error來的? 上果手都係咁做,我係未唔好理照佢個數入算呀? 

另外關於Travelling,如果成日出Trip,應該入咩expenses?Adm or selling or distribution exp? 邊dexpenses應該入,邊d唔可以入? 
(e.g. hotel/meal/transport...) Local meal又點入?

另外,唔知公司點處理D TRAVEL,但我睇到有八達通嘅增值單呀?咩咁都計得?

但mpf是不是應計5%而不是用一個lump sum當係架?

回答 (1)

2007-04-08 5:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Your MPF provider (Banker, Insurance company) should have a monthly MPF contribution for your company. From this statement, you can the name , monthly income and MPF contribution for each staff. You can ask or find these statement from your personnel, accounting department.

MPF entry: Just enter the total acutal MPF contribution paid.

For example: March 2007

Total : $35,000 ( employer :$25,000 , employee : $10,000)

Entry: DR Empolyer MPF contribution $25,000
DR Salaries and wages $10,000
CR MPF payable $35,000

MPF paid on 10 of April 2007
DR MPF payable $35,000
CR bank $35,000

2. All overseas trip payment, entertaiment are Overseas Travelling Expenses
3. Adm expenses is salaries and wages, printing and stationery, rent and managment fee..etc
4. Selling or distribution : freight charges, packing , sales man commission..etc
5.八達通 is locla travelling expenses.

2007-04-08 20:27:16 補充:
e.g. hotel/meal/transport...) Local meal又點入?All are overseas travelling expenses.

2007-04-09 17:52:44 補充:
但mpf是不是應計5%而不是用一個lump sum當係架? This is correct. MPF contribution is calculated by total income for each staff x 5% for eemployer and employee and add up the total. You can only record in your book for the grand total actual paid from your bank account.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 21:58:54
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