
2007-04-04 11:02 pm

Hip Hip Hurray 可以代表【加油】嗎?

回答 (7)

2007-04-04 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
keep it up
make great efforts
try hard
exert oneself
strive hard
struggle hard
make an extra effort
play up
put on steam
add oil
參考: 金山詞典+my knowledge
2007-04-17 7:14 pm
add oil 是港式直譯, 太多港人錯用了, 鬼佬不會這麼說. 是鼓勵別人付出更大努力往前衝, 鬼佬或會用Go字表達這個意思, 例如叫人 "Go! Go! Go!" , 連續幾個go字叫人勇往直前, 就是 的意思了.
2007-04-06 1:40 am
I think it should be KEEP IT UP.
Please do not use ADD OIL! If you want to learn GOOD English, please do not translate directly from Chinese!!!!!!! We usually translate with meaning, not from words.
2007-04-05 12:54 am
Come on! Go, go, go! ( especially in a sport event)
eg John, come on! Go, go, go! You can do it!

keep it up
make an extra effort
make great efforts
try hard
exert oneself
參考: my knowledge
2007-04-04 11:49 pm
2007-04-04 11:06 pm
【加油】英文是to make an extra effort.
Hip Hip Hurray 中的hurray 是代表【加油】,so Hip Hip Hurray no可以代表【加油】.
2007-04-04 11:05 pm
I think is "add oil "

I dot't know
參考: My Mother

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