
2007-04-04 8:11 pm

回答 (4)

2007-04-04 8:14 pm
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Short Message Service
參考: 自己
2007-04-05 3:30 am
short message service
2007-04-04 8:16 pm
Mass media is a term used to denote, as a class, that section of the media specifically conceived and designed to reach a very large audience such as the population of a nation state. It was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks, mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, although mass media was present centuries before the term became common. The term public media has a similar meaning: it is the sum of the public mass distributors of news and entertainment across mediums such as newspapers, television, radio, broadcasting & text publishers. The concept of mass media is complicated in some internet media as now individuals have a means of potential exposure on a scale comparable to what was previously restricted to select group of mass media producers. These internet media can include personal web pages, podcasts and blogs.

The mass-media audience has been viewed by some commentators as forming a mass society with special characteristics, notably atomization or lack of social connections, which render it especially susceptible to the influence of modern mass-media techniques such as advertising and propaganda. The term "MSM" or "mainstream media" has been widely used in the blogosphere in discussion of the mass media and media bias.
參考: yahoo
2007-04-04 8:16 pm

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Image:SMS message on a Nokia phone.jpeg


短訊﹙英文:Short Message Service,SMS)的簡稱,是行動電話服務的一種。有時也稱為信息、短訊息、文字訊息,此服務亦有許多英語的俗稱如「SMSes、text messages、messages或甚至於texts和txts」。短訊服務最早是在GSM系統手機上引入的,現在幾乎在任何手機系統上都能通用,如3G手機。
短訊技術最早是在1991年開始應用於歐洲GSM系統,GSM協議03.40定義的是點對點﹙Point to Point;SM-PP﹚的方式,是用戶最常使用的方式。GSM協議03.41定義的是小區廣播短訊服務﹙Cell-Broadcast;SMS-CB﹚,也叫短訊廣播服務,讓發訊息者﹙個人用戶、企業、廣告商等﹚能夠對同一個蜂窩小區內的多人以廣播方式發送短訊,這樣當手機持有人進入這樣的小區時,就能收到小區廣播短訊。

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