About the company called (((Manpower)) what is this company?

2007-04-04 1:16 pm
I want to ask does anybody know the company called (((Manpower))) what is this company? Is job search agency or Electronic or other business?

回答 (3)

2007-04-06 9:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
人力资源公司 - Employment Agent
万宝盛华(Manpower Inc.)有限公司 (NYSE: MAN) 在招聘服务行业内享誉全球,可为客户在招聘和商务活动中提供一系列细致周到的服务。我们专业从事中高级人才推荐,专业人才推荐,人才派用、人才测评、培训、职业转换、咨询及商业外包服务。

2008-05-03 12:59 am
First of all, I need to make declaration. I am now working for Manpower as a contract staff (posted out to an organization).

In HK, there are numbers of BIG agency. Manpower is one of those. Comparing with other bog agency, Manpower certainly not the best and provide lessor than others too.
2007-04-04 2:40 pm
Provides staffing services and employment opportunities worldwile..


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