寶藥黨 英文點講?

2007-04-04 8:58 am
寶藥黨 英文點講?

回答 (8)

2007-04-04 11:18 pm
the medicine con men
2007-04-04 6:31 pm
街頭騙案 = street deception 行騙手法 = tricks 騙徒 = swindler

「祈福黨」=「Spiritual treatment」swindlers

「跌錢黨」=「Dropped money」swindlers

「假玉鐲黨/寶藥黨」=「Fake jade bracelets and medicine 」swindlers

「假金飾黨」=「Fake gold ornaments 」swindlers

Elderly ladies are more vulnerable to spiritual treatment. Victims are often deceived of a huge fortune by swindlers claiming to help dispel bad luck.

2007-04-04 4:29 pm
Valuable medicine party
2007-04-04 3:59 pm
Valuable medicine party
2007-04-04 2:27 pm
Valuable medicine party
參考: Dictionary.com
2007-04-04 11:45 am
Hong Kong English: bo yeuk dong
English: fake medicine sellers
2007-04-04 11:14 am
Fake Herbs culprit.
Fake Herbs scam
參考: Quoted from HK police force web site
2007-04-04 9:41 am
fake medicine gang

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