為什麼密度較小的, 會在密度較大的上面?

2007-04-04 8:01 am
熱空氣上升, 是因為密度較小, 但空氣不是分開得很遠嗎? 不是一個一個粒子地計嗎? 那還有密度?

為什麼密度較小的, 會在密度較大的上面?

回答 (2)

2007-04-06 6:52 am
If you look at this question from the microscopic point of view, hot air with higher temperature have more kinetic energy, and hence higher speed, in its molecules. Cold air molecules have slower speed. Thus molecules with higher speed tends to [fly off] more easily and could remain staying above those with slower speed.

In the macroscopic point of view, density = mass/volume, a given mass of hot air has larger volume, hence lower density, and displaces larger volume of surrounding air than when it is cold.
The upthrust acting on this mass of air is thus greater than its own weight because of the larger volume of surrounding air it displaced(Principle of Floatation). Therfore, hot air rises above cold air.
2007-04-05 3:11 am

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