When you pray to Saint Anthony is there a special prayer?

2007-04-03 6:10 pm
to say or just ask him to help find whatever is lost?

I'm not the one who has lost something but I am hoping I can help by praying for this person to find what they lost.

回答 (12)

2007-04-03 6:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just ask him to pray to God for you so you could find your lost object. There are specific prayers if you want just search for them try www.catholic-forum.com
2007-04-04 1:21 am
Why pray to anyone when you can go right to the Top?
2007-04-04 1:15 am
"Tony, Tony turn around somethings lost and must be found!"
參考: Life
2007-04-04 1:15 am
Why pray to a saint when you can go straight to the top, to God, with your petiitions.
2007-04-04 8:26 am
- St.Anthony , St.Anthony
Please come down
Something is lost
And cant be found

- Dear St. Anthony, I pray
Bring it back , without delay

- Something is lost and cant be found
Please St. Anthony, look around.
2007-04-04 1:17 am
Speak to the saint as you would to a friend.
2007-04-04 1:15 am
Anthony Anthony
I lost my ___________
Anthony Anthony
Guide me please
Anthony Anthony, Oh Holy One
Anthony Anthony, of God you are
Anthony Anthony pray for me
2007-04-04 1:15 am
Saint Anthony of Padua
Holy Saint Anthony, gentle and powerful in your help, your love for God and charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were always ready to request for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me (request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle. Even so, you are the Saint of miracles. Gentle and loving Saint Anthony, whose heart is ever full of human sympathy, take my petition to the Infant Savior for whom you have such a great love, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.


Litany of Saint Anthony

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary,
St. Anthony of Padua,
St. Anthony, glory of the Friars Minor,
St. Anthony, ark of the testament,
St. Anthony, sanctuary of heavenly wisdom,
St. Anthony, destroyer of worldly vanity,
St. Anthony, conqueror of impurity,
St. Anthony, example of humility,
St. Anthony, lover of the Cross,
St. Anthony, martyr of desire,
St. Anthony, generator of charity,
St. Anthony, zealous for justice,
St. Anthony, terror of infidels,
St. Anthony, model of perfection,
St. Anthony, consoler of the afflicted,
St. Anthony, restorer of lost things,
St. Anthony, defender of innocence,
St. Anthony, liberator of prisoners,
St. Anthony, guide of pilgrims,
St. Anthony, restorer of health.
St. Anthony, performer of miracles,
St. Anthony, restorer of speech to the mute,
St. Anthony, restorer of hearing to the deaf,
St. Anthonyx restorer of sight to the blind,
St. Anthony, disperser of devils,
St. Anthony, reviver of the dead.
St. Anthony, tamer of tyrants,
From the snares of the devil, St. Anthony deliver us.
From thunder, lightning and storms, St. Anthony deliver us.
From all evil of body and soul, St. Anthony deliver us.
Through your intercession, St. Anthony protect us.
Throughout the course of life, St. Anthony protect us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

V. St. Anthony, pray for us. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let Us Pray

O my God, may the pious commemoration of St. Anthony, your Confessor and Proctor, give joy to your Church, that she may ever be strengthened with your spiritual assistance and merit to attain everlasting joy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
2007-04-04 1:16 am
I like, "Tony, Tony, turn around. Something's lost that can't be found."
2007-04-04 2:55 am
Please St. Anthony look around, something is lost and cannot be found.
2007-04-04 1:25 am
Yes there is. I would give to you, but I seem to have lost it.
2007-04-04 4:09 am
I thought catholics didn't pray to the dead.Now here you are saying that you pray to saint Anthony.I know you think me just a critic but please answer this.The Bible is clear that we have only one mediator, Jesus.And wouldn't it be better to pray through Jesus when talking to God? It just looks like anybody would agree with that.I lost my keys recently and right away my wife started praying in the name of Jesus that they would be found.It didn't take long and the keys were found.Just look at cashelmas pray praising saint Anthony for being holy.And look at the example that our Lord Jesus set when a man called Him good."...Why callest thou me good?none is good,save one,that is,God" Luke 18:19b. Don't any of you believe in the Bible?Look at 1 Timothy 2:5 and then at the very first answer to this question and then give me the thumbs down and him a thumbs up.I will end with this scripture Lev. 26:1
參考: Jesus

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