2007-04-04 7:12 am
可否先解釋,然後個transaction 係點

回答 (2)

2007-04-10 6:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
L/C係一份信用狀, 係由銀行幫買家整, 唔係幫賣家
同埋通常係你出貨時, 對方要透過銀行發張L/C比你, 要求你地比齊L/C上面列齊既文件, 銀行收到後會立即科錢比你

A bill is a document requesting payment for goods previously supplied. This presentation of a bill is common practice on the part of restaurants, credit card companies, utilities, and other service providers. The bill for something is the total price of all services and goods received but not yet paid for, and is presented in the expectation of immediate payment in full. If a bill is not paid, a collections company is usually given the responsibility of collecting the amount due and service is terminated.

Under English law, a person who makes off without paying the bill, or who dishonestly secures a remission in the amount payable, commits an offence under the Theft Act 1978.

A quota is a prescribed number or share of something.

A numerical performance objective. A quantitative value used to assess performance.
2007-04-14 1:53 am

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