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人又老, 錢又冇, 老婆又走佬, 冇希望, 冇將來。
這樣的一個男人, 可以用 ‘down-and-out’ 形容。
Down-and-out (adjective):suffering from lack of money, work, etc., and unable to change the situation 潦倒失意的 ( Longman Dict. Of Contemporary English ).
特別是注釋中 “unable to change the situation” (不能改變狀況、對淒慘境況無能為力)一部份, 徹頭徹尾就是 ‘冇希望’、‘冇將來’ 的意思。
He's old, he's penniless, and his wife has walked out on him. There is no hope and there is no future for him---he's down-and-out.
penniless=having no money; very poor 一文不名;to walk out on somebody (phrasal verb)=(當對方遭遇困難時) 離開、拋棄對方。