回答 (3)
Keep it for a long term,if you are agree 3988 is a GOOD stock,if you buy it and just want to keep it 1-2 month,you are very easy to lost money,thats why many many people lost money in stock market,when the stock price raise up,they are very happy,if the stock move slowly,they are worry about this and want to sell it to change the other stock,.Most people buy stock like this,thats why most people will easy to lost money.YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU BUY,if this is a good stock,why always asking about the same question?
ne year after,Do you feel 3988 is still 3.9?if you feel it will raise in fature,why worry??
2007-04-04 00:16:08 補充:
Keep it la,you can easy to earn money in next year.
係呀,我都買了5000股,係3.9 買入,都成二個星期啦,重係唔上唔落咁,都唔知點好?
收錄日期: 2021-04-13 00:28:17
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