HELP!! about australia travel visa

2007-04-04 2:27 am
Help!!! I just went to apply the travel visa for australia! When I finished all the steps, paid the fee, it show out the page which i had to print it out, But my pc didn't work!!! so i can't print it out!!!and i couldn't write down the reference number. how can i do now????????
help help me plz!!!!!

hehe..i had the reference number. but no print ! then is it ok?????????

回答 (3)

2007-04-04 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hey don't worry wor... since you have the reference number now, it's okay ga la. Give them a call if you are not too sure.

Even though if you have lost your, they can still find your record on their system using your first/last name!

So no need to panic. ^__^ Good luck!!
2007-04-07 12:26 am
dont worry... try to confirm with australian consultant in hong kong before u leave . But i think your visa application is ok, once u check the visa is valid. it is not necessary to print out the copy. Becoz the immigration is already exist in their record.
參考: from me
2007-04-06 10:42 pm
If you got the reference number, that means they have record your application. So don't worry. If you still have query,email or call the Australian Consulate to confirm.

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