
2007-04-04 12:13 am

回答 (7)

2007-04-04 2:50 am
No Fishing / Do not fishing
No Cycling / Do not cycling
No Feeding rabbits / Do not feed rabbits
No flowers picking / Do not pick flowers
No animal is allowed in this park / Do not bring animals into the park
Rubbish must be dropped into rubbish bins / Do not litter

額外知識: Fishing 原意解作釣魚, 是名詞, 但都可用作向某人探聽口風或消息, e.g. Are you fishing me? 解作: 你在探聽我口風嗎?

2007-04-04 2:01 am
1. No Fishing

2. Fishing Is Not Permit

3. Please Do Not Fishing In This Area

4. Do Not Fishing

5. Fishing Is Prohibited

2007-04-04 12:24 am
don't to angle; don't to go fishing
2007-04-04 12:21 am
can not fish / no fishes / Does not permit to fish
2007-04-04 12:16 am
no fishing
2007-04-04 12:15 am
no fishing /don't fishing.
2007-04-04 12:15 am
No Fishing

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