London Trip Plan

2007-04-03 11:52 pm
Any one has a experience of 3 days in London? Please give advise how was your trip planned.

回答 (2)

2007-04-08 3:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
change change上面個個 , 我覺得咁會方便D
Day 1
Buckingham Palace (交更時間 around 11am) -> House of Parliament -> Westminster Abbey (留意開放時間) -> - National Gallery->Convent Garden (u can also see Royal Opera HOuse and near the tube station a street full of people)- China Town - Piccadilly circus (Japan center there also) / soho

Day 2
St. Paul Cathedral (記得登樓看倫敦的景) -> Tower Bridge (可以在 London Bridge 沿河走到 Tower Bridge) -> The Tower of London -> British Museum/TATE MODERN (see time) --> Oxford Street (Shopping) ->

Day 3
Windsor Castle
this link may help you !

Also dont forget to buy day pass , so you can travel anywhere without worries and its cheaper if you travel a lot .

Hope it helps
enjoy the time,
London now is sunny
2007-04-04 5:54 am
Day 1
Buckingham Palace (交更時間 around 11am) -> House of Parliament -> Westminster Abbey (留意開放時間) -> British Museum -> China Town

Day 2
St. Paul Cathedral (記得登樓看倫敦的景) -> Tower Bridge (可以在 London Bridge 沿河走到 Tower Bridge) -> The Tower of London -> Convent Garden (like 市集) -> Oxford Street (Shopping) -> Soho

Day 3
Windsor Castle (寧靜舒服)

有時間的話, 記得看一場歌劇!
參考: me

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