Sauerkraut 德國酸椰菜甚樣做?

2007-04-03 9:58 pm
請問Sauerkraut 德國酸椰菜甚樣做? 我在赤柱美利樓內的一間德餐廳食過, 好好味! 好處是德國的家響菜, 應該不會太難做吧, 請各位高手指點一下, 謝謝!

回答 (1)

2007-04-07 3:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實 the devil is in the details! 沒有想像那麼簡單的.
所有用的 equipment 一定要非常乾淨, 不然有不理想的bacteria入侵,就會有怪味!
其實我覺得唔適宜香港屋企做, 因唔可以太熱--太多細菌. 而要擺1個月的
Nonetheless, 你想試就試下啦

- 5 pounds 切了絲的 green cabbage
- 3 tbsp. pickling salt (比普通鹽幼細 -- 所以溶得較快)
- 1 tbsp. juniper berries
- 2 tsp. caraway seeds (葛縷子籽)
- 1 qt. water, in a sanitized glass jar. (1 quart = 4 杯)

In a large mixing bowl, mix cabbage thoroughly with salt, juniper berries, and caraway seeds, using hands or tongs. If using your hands, make sure that they are very clean prior to mixing. Let stand for 10 minutes.
放菜絲, 鹽, juniper berries, 和葛縷子籽 落 mixing bowl 然後搞均. 放10分鐘.

Pack cabbage mixture down into a large plastic container. Top with a lid smaller than the opening of the container and place a glass jar filled with the 1 qt. of water on top of the lid. Place in cool area overnight (65 - 70 F).
In one day, the cabbage should have given up enough liquid to be completely submerged. The jar serves as a weight to keep the cabbage submerged and away from air.
將生菜放入大的膠盒, 放上一個比那個盒口細一點的蓋 (唔可以差太多的), 然後再放上那尊水. (水要來壓住d菜).
要放在涼的地方 (65-70 F). 一日後菜的體積會小到比菜水淹沒.

Check cabbage every other day for approximately 2 weeks and skim the surface of scum, if necessary. Let stand for 4 weeks.
After that you can transfer to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.
頭2星期隔日就要睇一睇. 如果見到蓋上面好多浮渣就用ladle/撇油的東西撇走.
然後就可以放入雪櫃, 擺到大約半年.

by the way, juniper berries 同 caraway seeds 係這樣的 (c!tysuper應該有得賣)
參考: 我只翻譯; recipe from Food Network series: Good Eats (by Alton Brown)

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