if we hold on together英文同翻譯中文歌詞

2007-04-03 6:53 pm
if we hold on together英文同翻譯中文歌詞

回答 (3)

2007-04-03 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
is this the one u want? ?
-By Diana Ross
(all copyright owned my me.02Apr 2007)

Don't lose your way
With each passing day
You've come so far
Don't throw it away 別白費
Live believing 請相信
Dreams are for weaving 在編織的夢
Wonders are waiting to start 奇幻在等待著開始
Live your story 創造屬於你的傳奇吧~
Faith, hope & glory 信念, 希望 和光榮
Hold to the truth in your heart 真理就在你心裡!

*If we hold on together 只要我們靠在一起
I know our dreams will never die 我們的夢想便不會消失
Dreams see us through to forever 直到永遠永遠
Where clouds roll by 就在雲彩飄過的地方
For you and I * 為著我和你

Souls in the wind 在風中飄揚
Must learn how to bend 要懂得收放
Seek out a star 覓尋心中的那顆星
Hold on to the end 請堅持
Valley, mountain 山谷...高原
There is a fountain 有一道清泉
Washes our tears all away 為我們洗去的淚水
Words are swaying 不用言語
Someone is praying 自有人為我們禱告
Please let us come home to stay 讓我們安然回家去

Repeat *

When we are out there in the dark
We'll dream about the sun
In the dark we'll feel the light
Warm our hearts, everyone

Repeat *
(p.s.我幫你translate架, 唔係抄架!!! 希望幫倒你)

2007-04-03 11:17:18 補充:
我唔係淨幫你translate個歌名呀, i translate all the lyrics! ^^ hope u like it and u can give me some comments~~
參考: myself + goole
2007-04-06 10:20 pm
Diana Ross- If we hold on together真的好有意思,一個人聽都好舒服,勁
2007-04-03 7:02 pm
Hold on

1. 繼續;堅持;保持
The speaker held on for a full hour.
How much longer do you think we can hold on?
2. 不掛斷電話

全句解作: 如果我們繼續一起 (指愛情方面)

2007-04-03 11:03:41 補充:
或 "如果我們堅持一起"

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