Matrices and Relations

2007-04-03 9:54 am
A,B and C are matrices of 30*40, 40*50 and 50*20 respectively. If the product ABC is calculated as A(BC), find the number of multiplications required; and the number of additions required.

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2007-04-03 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A,B and C are matrices of 30*40, 40*50 and 50*20 respectively. If the product ABC is calculated as A(BC), find the number of multiplications required; and the number of additions required.
Consider BC, the size is 40*20. Total 800 elements
each element is calculated by using 50 multiplications and 49 additions
Consider A(BC), the size is 30*20. Total 600 elements
each element is calculated by using 40 multiplications and 39 additions
The number of multiplications required is
The number of additions required is

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