好鐘意自己,同自己好鐘意 點揀?

2007-04-03 9:27 am

KA and BO 係我朋友!佢地兩個完全唔相識
咁arm ka and bo 都識得B!
其實自己都有DD心郁郁,最近因為B入左police CAMP!冇乜聯絡!

講真.兩個都對我好好! 我應該接受B.放棄等A ma?! A最近拒絕係O既答案係.暫時唔想拍拖...想拍拖時.第一時間搵我! 如果我同左B一齊.當有一日我真係等到A接受我.我就同A一齊.同B分手.係咪好衰?! 究竟同好鐘意自己O既人一齊開心D 還是自己好鐘意O既人一齊會開心D!? 救我."問題纏繞左我兩年幾."


佢受訓炸!? 乜police真係咁差架咩?! 咁佢第時做左police會唔會變衰?!

回答 (5)

2007-04-03 11:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先, 我想問一個問題, B 入police camp 既意思係佢啱啱考入當警察所以入pts受訓吖? 還是佢已經當左好幾年差入藍帽子既camp 呢?
呢個問題好重要. 10個警察9個賤人...如果佢本身已經做咗好幾年既警察, 咁你就要小心..
因我唔知你認識咗佢有幾耐. 但係我見好多做警察都冇個對感情係認真咖.

可能佢而家真係對你好好,係因為佢仲未追到你, 但如果佢真係追到你既話, 今日佢對你既好, 會好快消失. 我見過好多警察都係咁. 所以你真係要小心, 睇清楚佢係一個咩人

但如果佢係啱啱先考入pts受訓, 仲係學警既話.咁你仲可以諗吓. 因為佢仲未變質.
但唔排除真係做到警察既時候唔會變. 因為其實係警察裡面有好多, 都係花心男孩.
鍾意溝女, 鐘意玩. 所以會好容易變質.

如果我係你, 我會等A, 我唔會同B一齊.太危險(除非你都係諗住玩吓玩吓, 唔會用真感情)
再加上你都認識咗A一段時間, 你都應該幾了解呢個人..
而且你都鐘意佢, 所以我估你等A, 會好D LOR..
2007-04-03 11:42 pm
參考: 個人意見
2007-04-03 2:15 pm
You can wait for A while you are waiting for another person that you rely like, but do not go with B if you dont like him at all. shouldnt rely go out with anyone just bcoz you wana go out!

my case was the same as yours, i thought i cud go out with a person that like me (B in your case) instead of the guy i fancied for a long time (A), plus i wanted to move on, then i went out with (B) and i was suffering so bad and it didnt work at all, it only lasts for a week in the end!

so unless you do actually fancy B for a bit, or u jst rely want to go out with anyone? if u do, u can try..bt then u might get A jealous bcoz you not 'avaliable' anymore lol

btw i think its a bit waste of time to wait for A, as you mentioned he rejected u for a few times, then u said A said he didnt wana go out with anyone. I think tis kind of boy are all liars and if i were u, i wudnt think i'll have a chance to go out wiv him, i wudnt wait for him bt i wont force myself not like him...just need to move on as time goes

p.s. wotever you do, dont hurt anyone
2007-04-03 9:43 am
Since B is now in police camp, it should give you some time to think about.

I think you will not give up upon A, since A is someone that you have always wanted to date and have a relationship. B is good but then it is not someone you love.

My response would be as follows: Tell A that time waits for no one and if he is really serious he should seize the opportunity (unless he has good reasons not to be in a relationship).You should hint to him that you have others but still prefers him, but not for long.

At the same time I think you should also let B know that you have someone in mind, so he knows that he is second choice. If he loves you so much and insist on waiting, then you should let him wait (but not for too long, maybe 3-6 months).

After all, you love A and hope to be his gf. If you don't know the answer to A there will always be something on your mind ("what if"). Then again you should be fair to B. If A is still not committing then he might just not love you, or treat you as a reserve.

Hope it helps.
2007-04-03 9:37 am
參考: 我

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