
2007-04-03 8:49 am
我在yahoo拍賣場放了一部相機,不久有一位外國女人叫janetwoods用高價買我的相機,我開頭有d奇,我寫的內容全是中文,而她没有問過我任何有關相機的問題便買,她仲叫我比全名、銀行戶口,銀行名及email等給她,之後她便會由銀行匯錢給我,我們的交收方法是她首先匯錢給我,然後一間叫royal bank of canada的銀行會send email給我,說janetwoods已匯錢給你,要在24至72小時內向銀行出示shippment billway,咁銀行就會過數給你。寄之前我覺得很可疑,一來寄的地址是尼日利亞,二是匯錢的方法,所以便上網check下,發覺台灣有很多人都有此經歷,不知香港有没有人亦有此經歷可以分享,另外如最近有買家收到一位外國女士以高價賣你的貨品,而且寄去的地址是尼日利,千萬不要理她,因為我相信這是詐騙集團!!大家要留意

回答 (2)

2007-04-03 8:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am a seller at yahoo's HK auction actually. I am also aware of those Nigerian cheater as well. There are just too many cases like that and they will continue to exist. They will use Chinese to communicate with you actually however their way of using Chinese is funny though because I believe they just translate from what they said to Chinese using software program. They tried to create some real information such as... Royal Bank of Canada... It's a real bank and actually the largest bank in Canada too (They cannot use Western Union anymore because they just used it too many times and people knew that they are cheaters if using Western Union) However, they should not able to cheat because there'll be strange things happened. I am not personally against Nigerian... however everyone shouldn't only careful to them, but to anyone who are strange. ^^ Good luck!
2007-04-03 8:51 am

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