40分` bat(蝙蝠)的問題!! {英文}

2007-04-03 6:42 am
1. Are bats blind? {Explain your answer in no more than 50 words}

2. How do bats fly around at night and find food without bumping into trees or walks?
{Answer this question in no more than 100 wards.}

所有答案唔該要英文` thz

回答 (3)

2007-04-06 5:01 am
1. Bats are NOT blind. Most bats have weak vision, but most fruit bats have good vision. It is only that the insectivores have a vision so weak that another sense-an extremely sensitive one-takes over.
2.Bats use sonar, or echolocation to locate themselves without bumping into anything except their prey. They would use ultrasound from their throat or nose to their front. If any noise is reflected, it is directly transported to the bat's ears. The bat then calculates the signals and then, another vision!
2007-04-04 6:15 pm
1. Yes, bats are blind because they are blind, they does not depend on their eyes when flying, instead they depends on their ears and mouth. This also explains why bats can fly around in complete darkness without hitting obstacles.
2. The reasons why bats can fly around at night and find food without bumoing in to tress or walks, is because of their method of flying.Some bats have evolved a highly sophisticated sense of hearing. They emit sounds that bounce off of objects in their path, sending echoes back to the bats. From these echoes, the bats can determine the size of objects, how far away they are, how fast they are traveling, and even their texture, all in a split second.

Hope i can help u
2007-04-03 7:44 am
Ans 1. Bats are not blind. Most bats can see as well as humans. Fruit bats have eyesight that is adapted to low-light, much like cats. Fruit bats also see in color.

Ans 2.Bats use echolocation to detect during night time.Bats send out sound waves using their mouth or nose. When the sound hits an object an echo comes back. The bat can identify an object by the sound of the echo. They can even tell the size, shape and texture of a tiny insect from its echo . Most bats use echolocation to navigate in the dark and find food. bats

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