F.3 chemistry

2007-04-03 6:41 am
I would like to ask what is the main metallic compound of calcium's ore and What is the most common extraction method of calcium ????

please answer my questions , thank you very much ^^

回答 (2)

2007-04-05 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
The main metallic compound of calcium's ore must be 碳酸鈣calcium carbonate. Mable大理石, limestone石灰石 and chalk (粉筆的原料)is the most common calcium compound or ore(礦石_..一般Mable大理石, limestone石灰石 and chalk (粉筆的原料都是加功過ge碳酸鈣礦石).

the most common extraction method of calcium is by electrolysis電解...because calcium compound is so stable.

p.s... the metal higher that aluminium in the metal reactivty series, e.g potassium , sodium, calcium.... USUALLY use electrolysis to get pure metal.
2007-04-03 7:03 pm
1. the main factor is Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)石灰石.
2. the method is electrolysis(電解).

ps : The ore of Potassium,Sodium,Calcium,Magnesium,Aluminum must be electrolyzed to extract the metal.
參考: my chemical knowledge

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