請問instrument of transfer 要唔要file係company registry 道?

2007-04-03 6:34 am
請問instrument of transfer and bought and sold note 要唔要file係company registry 道?

回答 (3)

2007-04-03 6:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-04-03 7:36 am
The Instrument of Transfer is only the legal document that the company required. The said transfer has to be approved by the board of directors before the name of the shareholders ( outgoing and incoming i.e. the transferor and the transferee ) are entered into the Register of Members. Until then, this is the only evidence that a person is a shareholder of a company.

The Bought and Sold are the documents executed between the transferor and the transferee for the purposes of buying and selling the said shares. This has to be stamped to make these a legal document.

The company is in principle not quite concerned with the Bought and Sold Note as this is the private document made between each party. For example, if you buy shares in the stock market, you will receive a Bought Note from your stock broker. However, if you want to be a shareholder, you still have to take the signed transfer form only to the share registry of that company for the change. After that, you will be given the new share certificate in your name and, of course, your name is entered in the Register of Members of that company.

The latest list of members reflecting also the change of shareholders during the past year will then be reported in the Annual Return to be filed with the Companies Registry on an annual basis. It is not required for you to file either the instrument of transfer or the bought and sold note together with the Return.
2007-04-03 6:52 am
It is not necessary to file with teh Compnay Registry. But such documents have to be stamped by the Stamp Duty Office. You should also file a form in reltion to the change of shareholdings of the Company.

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