chem about electricity ( 10 分 )!!!!

2007-04-03 2:50 am
Please explain : What are they? What are they used to do?
我要both中文&英文ge explanation.
electric current
electric charge
How do electrons flow from the negative pole to the positive pole in the external circuit of a chemical cell? Negative electrode first dissolve in the electrolyte and give out electrons or first give out electrons and then dissolve in the electrolyte. And what would happen in the electrolyte? PLEASE EXPLAIN STEP BY STEP.

回答 (1)

2007-04-04 10:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
electric current ,電流:顧名思義,在導電體中電子的流動以安培為單位.Electron flow inside a conductor.Unit as Ampere(Am).
electric charge ,電荷:一件物件只有兩個可能,不帶電和帶電.帶電的兩個可能是正電荷和負電荷.不帶電代表沒有淨電荷,就是物件中電子(帶負電)數目與質子(帶正電)數目一樣.正電荷就是物件失去了電子,質子數目較多的情況.負電荷就是物件獲取了電子,電子數目較多的情況.An object is either uncharged or charged. A charged object is either positively charged or negatively charged. An object is uncharged when number of electron (negative) is same as proton (positive). An object is positively charged when it losses electrons. An object is negatively charged when it gains electrons.
electrode 電極:接駁電路的末端.Terminal for connecting circuit.
electrolyte 電解質:在液態或水溶狀態下導電的物質,導電時會被電解. Matter that conducts electricity in molten or aqueous state. It will be electrolysed.
conduction 傳導作用:透過媒介的傳送,通常指電子及熱能. Mediated passing, usually refers to electron and heat.
當負極輸出電子,前面的電子因同極排斥的作用被推至遠離負極的位置,再前面的電子亦被推前,直至到達正極,把電子吸收. When negative give out electron, the electron in front is pushed further until positive electrode is reached.

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