Why Ferrari...

2007-04-03 2:40 am
Why many people likes Ferrari?It is beautiful?

回答 (6)

2013-10-12 12:16 pm
* ***** http://*****

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* *****論壇 http://www.tsgame.cc

2007-04-14 7:43 pm
參考: 佢
2007-04-04 6:10 pm

好網站介紹: www.carwalls.com
是一個專下載車wallpapers的網站,100% FREE ! 有超過30000幅車wallpapers,像數由1024×768到1920×1200,任何像數的圖片都係100% FREE!!日日都有新wallpaper,d相又靚又高質素,愛車嘅人一定要去!唔愛車嘅人都值得去睇下! (有好多Ferrari的相!!!)
2007-04-04 3:57 pm
beautiful? to some ppl , maybe yes maybe not
comfortable? hell no~ it's so low to the ground. this car is made for 5 feet tall ppl only!
fast? yes, fast, but why do we need so fast. cops are gonna chase after our a$$.

Then why so many ppl like Ferrari?
simple answer. it is so damn expensive!!!!
if you can afford to drive this car. that means you are soooooo damn rich.
as simple as that.
2007-04-04 12:35 am
It's easy to answer!Because it is beautiful,famous,big cc,good-looking,high-tec and good properties,etc.Hope I can help you!

2007-04-04 10:22:50 補充:

2007-04-04 10:23:47 補充:
You said "damn expensive" and "damn rich"!
參考: my car knowledge
2007-04-03 5:08 am
good performance, good looking, and good good good engine noise!!!
i have never tried a ferrari, but i know it is a really fun sport car~

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