有冇人可以幫我作一篇英文的週記,即free writing

2007-04-03 2:35 am



如果望到就幫幫忙作一篇Free Writing啦!!! 因為我明天就要啦!!! 本人萬二分感謝!!!


請問有邊個web sit可以搵到 D Free Writing!!! 唔要 yahoo 果 D !!!

回答 (1)

2007-04-03 7:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
This year Easter is pn 18th April. That day, our community center's child in the Chen girl and Li under girl's leadership, to the Caritas senior center, crossed together with there father-in-law mother-in-law this holiday.

Moves previous five days, we started to prepare. The preparatory work are very actually many, like manufactures the duplicate egg containing living bird keaten, to practice to sing the psalm and so on. My one breath is six duplicate eggs containing living bird keaten marks the design, the Chen girl also commended I draw the design is very attractive!

Easter that day, 8:00 am then must arrive at the community center entrance set, therefore that day I 7:00 am must get out of bed. The Li girl carries on the roll-call first, afterward leads us to embark goes to the senior center.

We arrive was already about 9:00. Father-in-law mothers-in-law are very kind, they not just bought the Coca-Cola to entertain us, but also shared they extraordinary experience with us, let us know many novel things.

We the Easter gift ¾ ¾ duplicate egg containing living bird keaten which brings give in the center each father-in-law mother-in-law. They received the duplicate egg containing living bird keaten, reveals the happy smiling face. Then we start to sing the psalm, altogether sang five, six many. After singing the psalm, we also together play the game. The visitation finished, we return to the community center, was already about 6:30 pm. That evening, I, because has been too tired, therefore 9:30 has turned off a light sleeps.

So-called “the family has one old, if has a treasure”, the old person is a live dictionary, from the old person body, we have learned the matter which the daily life cannot learn. This year an I very meaningful Easter, had hoped will have the opportunity to arrive at the senior center visitation again next time.


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