
2007-04-03 12:52 am
1: 五金未齊, 齊後再覆確實日期
3. 盡可能做, 希望可以出齊

回答 (3)

2007-04-03 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
五金未齊, 齊後再覆確實日期

Please notice that the metal part is not ready yet, exactly shipment date will inform you soon.

盡可能做, 希望可以出齊

We will try our best to enhance production, do as much as possible and shipping whole as once.
參考: Myself
2007-04-03 1:25 am
1: The hardware 未齊, Qi Houtsai covers truly the date 3. does as far as possible, hoped may leave neat
2007-04-03 12:56 am
1: Have covered certain date after the five metals has not been neat, neat
3. Do as much as possible, hope to all sprouts

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