
2007-04-03 12:45 am

回答 (2)

2007-04-03 12:52 am
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Freewebs is a free web hosting website started in 2001. Freewebs was founded by CEO Haroon Mokhtarzada and his brother, CTO Zeki Mokhtarzada. Other staff include president Shervin Pishevar, vice president of marketing and operations Robert Ewald, and vice president of products and programming Rick Robinson.

[edit] Websites
Freewebs is a free, do-it yourself website builder, that allows people to make their own web sites. There are three ways of going about this, each for users with different levels of HTML coding knowledge. You can chose to make it with HTML or with there easy site builder. As of October 18, 2006, there are 42 different styles for templates, each with their own subcategories (colors, specific themes, etc.). For users with knowledge of CSS, a style.css file is created in the File Manager, and users may update it through the Easy Site Builder's Site Manager. For members with advanced knowledge of HTML and other codes, a downgrade to HTML-Only mode option is available. Then, the HTML Mode's Site Manager becomes similar to the File Manager, and all pages are shown as their .htm(l) files. These files can be modified using the Freewebs WebzEdit™ text editor.

There are two ways to edit a web page on one’s website. Users may either use a WYSIWYG page editor, or an HTML editor. Although the free membership does not originally contain any forced advertisements (if using the advanced HTML editor), they do require placement of the "freewebs toolbar". An HTML code for the toolbar is provided, but it is up to you to put it on your freewebs website. However, freewebs does not state any consequences for not having this toolbar, so it is unclear what actions they will take if a case similar to this were to arise. The majority of Freewebs member's sites include forced advertising to other people using the website.

[edit] Recent Updates
Recently, Freewebs made some updates to their products including: 1) The photo album and file uploader - they came out with a java based file uploader that allows drag and drop from the desktop and uploads multiple files at once 2) They redesigned the site manager and cleaned up the interface 3) They added Forums (beta), which allows users to have a discussion board on their Freewebs website

[edit] External links
Freewebs homepage

2007-04-02 17:35:16 補充:
freewebs免費網頁是網站主辦始於2001年. freewebs創的總裁Haroonmokhtarzada和哥哥的Zekimokhtarzada營運商. shervinpishevar其他人員包括總統、副總統羅伯特埃瓦爾德行銷業務、 副總統羅賓遜產品和編程里克. [編輯]freewebs網站是一個自由、做你自己網站的建設者,使人們作出自己的網站. 大約有三種方式進行,每位用戶提供不同層次的HTML編碼知識.

2007-04-02 17:35:51 補充:
你可以選擇用它的HTML或工地上的建設者容易. 截至2006年10月18日,有42個不同風格的模板,每次用自己的小類(色、 特定主題,等等). 為用戶提供知識年老,創造一個style.css檔案卷宗經理 用戶可通過更新、易址建築工地現場經理. 大家用先進的知識和其他的HTML代碼,以一個下坡的HTML專用模式可供選擇. 然後,HTML的方式的工地經理成了類似檔案管理人 作為自己的首頁顯示.

2007-04-02 17:36:43 補充:
(1)熱媒檔案. 這些檔案可以用freewebswebzedit™修飾文字編輯. 有兩種方式編輯一個網頁一個網頁. 用戶可使用的WYSIWYG網頁編輯或編輯的HTML. 雖然自由黨籍不含有任何強迫原本廣告(如採用先進的HTML編輯) 的確需要安置的"freewebs工具". 一個HTML代碼的工具提供 但這要看你說得對你freewebs網站. 但是,沒有註明任何後果freewebs沒有這個工具, 所以現在還不清楚他們將採取什麼行動,如果這是類似案件發生. freewebs大多數會員的地點包括強迫他人使用該網站的廣告.

2007-04-02 17:37:27 補充:
最近更新最近作了一些更新freewebs產品包括: 1)相簿及檔案uploader他們梳理出了Java的基礎檔案uploader允許無限期拖延 從桌面及降一次注入多元檔案2)他們重新清理現場經理、 界面3)增加論壇(β) 讓使用者對自己有一個董事會討論freewebs網站網頁[編輯]外部連接freewebs
2007-04-03 12:49 am

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