
2007-04-03 12:41 am
我想問 : 我每日負責接聽電話, 收傳真, 安排速遞交收文件, 訂購文具,
幫admin. dept. 出通告, 解答讀者查詢~~

以上英文點講呀, 我急用~~ 唔該有心人指導!!

回答 (1)

2007-04-05 2:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
我想問 : 我每日負責接聽電話, 收傳真, 安排速遞交收文件, 訂購文具,
幫admin. dept. 出通告, 解答讀者查詢~~translate as following:-

My daily work is to reply phone call, get fax, get and give document from and to courier,order stationary, help the admin. department to make notice and reply readers' enquiry.

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