
2007-04-02 11:58 pm
about those topic listed..:
Schizophrenia, depression, happiness...
My essay's word limit is about 2000 words...very superificial
You may choose one topic..
Thank you

回答 (2)

2007-04-05 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Schizophrenia 同 depression 係兩種唔同既事幹,schi 係重性精神病;而 depression 係 mood disorder 既其中一種 (另一種係 Anxiety),屬輕性精神病 。你要分辨清楚兩種東西先好開始寫。

而我自己覺得寫 depression 會好 d,原因係你除左用 biopsychosocial model、DSM-IV 去寫之外,仲可以寫埋 care plan 。而 schi 要食藥食得好重,個 care plan 好難寫得好的。

happiness 都 ok 的,不過掌握得唔好就會寫得好行貨下,而 depression 可以 0係生活上隨手就攞到例子勒,故此我都係建議你寫 depression 比較好 d。

另外,你個 project 係寫 counselling skill 定係乜野?? counselling skill 既話查實都要揀定一種 therapeutic skill 勒。

2000 字話多唔多話少亦唔亦,分配好每一 part 既用字就寫得快 d 。

2007-04-04 18:23:45 補充:
建議你上網打個病名 search 下 d topic 睇睇,DSM-IV 的話可以去商務度買一本叫「精神疾病診斷準則手冊」,孔繁鐘、孔繁錦編譯,合記圖書出版社發行,ISBN957-666-429-2,HKD150。呢本係 DSM-IV既中譯本,讀 psy 或 counselling 都值得買。另一本係「輔導與心理治療」,林孟平著,商務印書館出,ISBN962-07-6106-5,HKD138。呢本主要都有提到熱門的七種 counselling,不過片面 d 唔夠深入,不妨去打下書釘睇睇,教協田園都好似有得賣。
參考: 自己經驗
2007-04-03 12:46 am
Hi! You may try the following websites (they are quite helpful ga)::

http://www.apa.org/topics/topicschiz.html (American Psychological Association)
http://www.psychologyinfo.com/schizophrenia (or can seach for other info like depression etc on this webiste www.psychologyinfo.com)
http://www.nami.org (can type in 'schizophrenia' to seach relevant info for you)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia (Wikipedia, basically you can get most info here ga la)
http://www.mind.org.uk/Information/Booklets/Understanding/Understanding+schizophrenia.htm (very useful)

For books, I guess you will need to go to libraries at various Universities (such as Baptist U; HKU or CUHK) I know you can borrow texts as a guest visior. or try the Main Public Library lor :)

Hope this helps! Good luck with your project la~


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