
2007-04-02 11:39 pm

回答 (1)

2007-04-09 1:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 無近視無遠視的眼仲有目力既差別. 例如兩個完全無近視無遠視的人, 相同距離睇一個驗眼表, 一個可以睇到第5行, 一個可能可以睇到第7行. 又例如弱視, 明明無近視無遠視, 就係遠近都睇唔清.
咁你既問題可能要改成: 一對視力良好既眼...
2. 像素係計算一張平面既圖片既解像度, 例如1cm有1000個像素, 1平方cm就有1,000,000像素. 而人眼睇既影像係用"角度"來量度解像度.
Angular resolution describes the resolving power of any image forming device such as an optical or radio telescope, a microscope, a camera, or an eye.
即係話兩點景物進入眼睛既入射角相差起碼幾多度, 眼睛先至將呢兩個點清楚分辨開來. 咁同一張圖片或同一個LCD Mon, 呢個人坐得近和坐遠d睇, 每個像素之間既入射角差已經相差好遠. 平面圖片和眼睛係冇法比較既, 除非你指明圖片放在眼前幾多cm就得.
Cycles per degree (CPD) measures how much an eye can differentiate one object from another in terms of degree angles. It is essentially no different from angular resolution. To measure CPD, first draw a series of black and white lines of equal width on a grid (similar to a bar code). Next, place the observer at a distance such that the sides of the grid appear one degree apart. If the grid is 1 meter away, then the grid should be about 8.7 millimeters wide. Finally, increase the number of lines and decrease the width of each line until the grid appears as a solid grey block. In one degree, a human would not be able to distinguish more than about 12 lines without the lines blurring together. So a human can resolve distances of about 0.93 millimeters at a distance of one meter. A horse can resolve about 17 CPD (0.66 mm at 1 m) and a rat can resolve about 1 CPD (8.7 mm at 1 m).

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